About Establishment

Establishment Limited is a turnkey service provider that has been operating since 1978 when it was originally set up in Italy by the late Fernando Del Rossi. 

Succeeded by his son, Carlo Alberto, the business further expanded and we have been proudly serving the Maltese islands since 2014.

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Our Services



Organizing resources and schedules -Architect, exterior/interior design - to ensure projects are completed efficiently and meet client needs within set timelines and budgets.

Turnkey Services

Turnkey Services

A turnkey project provides a deliverable to the client that is fully tested and ready to use upon completion. This offers a tremendous advantage to the client since it eliminates the need for them to manage the project.



The development section of Establishment oversees the planning, design, and execution of projects from start to finish, ensuring they meet quality standards, timelines, and budget constraints.


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