Turnkey Services

A turnkey project provides a deliverable to the client that is fully tested and ready to use upon completion. This offers a tremendous advantage to the client since it eliminates the need for them to manage the project. Projects that are time-consuming and resource-intensive can seriously impair a company’s ability to continue with normal business while executing the project, since many key people are normally engaged in working on the project. 

Therefore, hiring an outside contractor to handle the project in its entirety preserves the company’s time and resources. Since full responsibility for the project rests upon the contractor, the number of interfaces is reduced to the one point of contact instead of a multitude of contractors. This gives the client ease of communication, and much greater visibility into the project process as well as leaving the task of coordinating all the works to the one responsible primary contractor. Our aim as a turnkey contractor is to undertake projects which we see through to completion.


Establishment Limited

VAT n.: MT 2511 0928

Company Registration Number: C82496